The Master of Deception: The Astonishing Secret Life of the Crab Spider | Camouflaged Spider |

Muhammad Hanzala

The Master of deception Spider

Contrary to common belief, many types of spider hunt without building webs. One such spider,  which catches its prey without a web, is the crab spider. It disguises itself inside flowers and feeds on bees which land on them

The crab spider uses it ability to change colour  to match the yellow or white of the flower. It completely conceals its legs in the middle of the flower and settle down to wait for it prey. The spider matches the colour of the flower it hides in to perfection. It is only by most careful inspection that the spider can be distinguished from the flower.

The  spider goes into action when a bee lands to suck the nectar from the flower in which it is lying in ambush. At that very moment the spider slowly wraps it legs around the bee, then, in a sudden movement it bites it in the head, injecting its venom straight into its brain and then eating its prey. The spider can disguise itself so cunningly in the flower that sometimes a butterfly or a bee will land right on top of it without realising it.

Did the spider decide to be be able to take on these colours by itself, by any chance? Did it study flowers and copy the same tones and shades in itself ? It is clear that the spider would not have had the ability to do that. Apart from few nerve centres, it does not even posses a brain capable of thinking. Furthermore, the spider is colour-blind. It can perceive neither yellow nor pink. Even if we accept for a moment that it could manage to match itself to the exact colours and tones it saw, it would still not be possible for it to reproduce this within its own body. It is God, the Owner of superior power, Who enables the spider to distinguish and reproduce colours is God.

It is obvious that the flowers and the spider have been created to match each others' colours by God. It is as if two picture had been done on the same canvas with same paints and brush in the same colours and tones, in a match that cannot be explained by any fairy tale-like coincidence.

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