The Master of deception Spider Contrary to common belief, many types of spider hunt without building webs. One such spi…
Muhammad Hanzala
August 13, 2023
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Trap-Door Spiders
The Trap-door for living in the desert desert climates can be lethally hot for many living creatures. Nevertheless, so…
Muhammad Hanzala
August 12, 2023
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Unveiling Spider Skills
Nature ✾ The Miracle In The Spider The lassoo-throwing spider Of all the many species of spider one of the mos t inter…
Muhammad Hanzala
August 10, 2023
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What if we drink only tap water in Pakistan it is safe or not ?
What if we drink only tap water in Pakistan it is safe or not ? The answer is no because tap water contain bacteria, vi…
Muhammad Hanzala
August 03, 2023
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